
Look at what wayyo cycles gives you.


Look at what wayyo cycles gives you.

365 Days Return

Having the same bicycle still one year? Get a new one at no cost. With every purchase you make, you have the opportunity to replace your bicycle with a new one after 1-year duration of your purchase. We are delighted to replace with a brand new bicycle and extend your ride in a better way.

Free Delivery

A fast, free and diverse range of delivery options means you can get your product at the most convenient time for you.

The Best Colors

To paint the rest of your cycling life, choose the best colors.

  • Bluoo Warrior
  • Orang’oo Adventurer
  • Whitee Wolf
  • Blackboo Beast
  • Vioo Sprinter
  • Gree’oo Go-Getter
  • Yelloo Youngster

Being Green

Wayyo Cycles are proud of making green environment and have been continuously working to reduce our impact on the environment as a company as well as finding ways to support our customers in being green.

Weather Free

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether you like it or not!

Cycle your weather!!

Eyes wide, comes a new ride!

With all new colors and reverse braking system, Wayyo cycles have all you want. In the emerging world, we get you back your childhood memories solving my eco problems. Get ready to sweat with a solution for pollution.


Shop the best cycles in the market.

Sky is the limit

Get on the track, keep pedaling and enjoy the adventure!


“Ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride!”